Thursday, 22 December 2011

Section 12: Anaylsis of Completed Thriller

Narrative Structure: Our thriller is called Vanished and it is based around kidnap. Vanished is about a woman who is abducted from her car after coming home from work and getting scared. The husband then comes home to find her missing so the film is about the games the kidnapper plays that involves many twist and turns.

Thriller Codes and Conventions: During Vanished there is alot of suspense music that goes quiet at times to give more of an impact, the suspense music creates a tense atmosphere like most thrillers it is used to do this. Also in Vanished there is alot of cuts to make it seem more face paste and jumpy, this is done in most thriller films to create that affect. Our thriller also has balck and white credits which it put upon the image that freezes when the credit comes in this is like a typical thrilller as it draws your attention and whats to highlight a specific scene.

Camerawork: Within our thriller we have used a lot of medium shots as it has a better affect because it shows her reactions in all her body rather than one part. we have also used close ups to show her expressions on her face as she is answering the phone because the audience need to see full detail.

Sound: In Vanished there is alot of different sound used to create suspense. The start of the film is silent but as the woman gets closer to her house the music begins to fade in eventually getting louder, the music also fades outs at times to make it more suspensed. The music changes half way through and tempo increases and this is the main scene of the starting sequence so suspense needs to be built to breaking point.

Mise-en-scene: The lighting within the starting sequence is dark, when she gets out of the car only the light from the driveway is on, this retricts her sight around her as the light just focuses on her so its hard to see her around her, this also retricts the audiences sight so they wonder if anything is around her as this is when the sound comes into play which builds the suspense. Within the thriller the woman is driving a modern day car, lives in a nicely designed house and is wearing modern clothes this shows the thriller is set in present day and not past.

Editing: We have not used alot of editing techniques within our thrilller as we wanted to keep it simple. Within Vanished we have used alot of jump cuts an cuts as this builds tension because the scene flash quickly. We have also used fade in and fades out of the music so we can build suspense on specific scenes.

Graphics: In Vanished we have used still images from the video and put them to black and white with credits over it, we have done this to put focus on the credits and out focus on the specific scene. Towards the end of the film we have done the same but put tension music on top so it creates a more terrofying affect.

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